Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Its raining...

...rehearsals, y'all! So my plan to be in one show this year happened...three-fold. For the last two weeks, and into the next 4 or so, I'll be performing and rehearsing 3 shows! One has past already--the theatre co I work for partnered with our city's symphony. Whilst they played excerpts from Prokofiev's Cinderella, we acted out the story without words. I was an ugly stepsister--it can't be better than that! ;) (And if you're looking to listen to some GORGEOUS classical music-check out this music.)

I'm now in the works of Charlotte's Web, and Sunday I start Bat Boy rehearsals. Whew! When it rains, it pours.

So- I am working on getting you that lovely KK checklist. I promise. And I'm also venturing more into the TV show monologue realm. If y'all haven't watched "Big Love" get thee to your Netflix queue (or your local library). It. Is. Grrrrreat! Now not all of the actors are totally with it (some are amazing. Hello, Jeanne Tripplehorn), but the characters are fascinating, and there are some awesome hunks of text to explore.

Alright-onward and upward. Have a great week, friends!

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