Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good Timing, R&H Theatricals

Just wanted to clue you all in on something exciting I read today. (Well, exciting for me at least. :) )

In case you weren't aware, getting a Broadway or Off-Broadway musical recorded is not an easy thing. Most of the major recording labels don't like to take the chance, as approximately 85% of the population doesn't rush out to buy new cast albums. A while back, two Broadway singers, Sherie Renee Scott and her husband Kurt Deutsch, started Sh-K-Boom Records; a recording label that would make original cast records of shows.

As their label expanded to include actor solo cds, recordings of live entertainment (like 1 person shows) and the various pop record, they then created the Ghostlight Records division, which is solely dedicated to the preservation of traditional musical theatre.

If you've stuck with me this long, I appreciate it because I am now going to tell you why this is relevant to our project.

In my Month In Review post, I wrote about the song "Calm" and how it just wasn't clicking for me. Part of the reason for this is because I've never been able to see a performance (other than snippets on YouTube). Well, thanks to Ghostlight Records, a cast recording of the Off-Broadway production of Ordinary Day is coming out!

*gigantic sigh of relief*

I really did not want to abandon this monologue because I think it is just too good. And this cast recording will allow me to hear other songs from the show and get a better idea of what goes on. There will probably also be some liner notes that give a basic plot, so I have more to go off of.

Also exciting, R&H Theatricals will be accepting applications for professional productions. So everyone cross your fingers that a production comes to the Chicagoland area.

See, you all thought this monologue project was going to be no big deal, didn't you? It's complicated, ya'll!

Here's a link to the article from, in case you're interested.


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