Sunday, September 12, 2010

Laugh It Off...

So here's an audition story for you.....

Yesterday was rather rainy in the morning. When I arrived at the theatre for my audition, I went straight to the nearest mirror to fix my hair and check on my make up.

Earlier this week, I cut my hand on the front gate of my apartment building and I had put on a fresh bandaid yesterday before I left. As they called my name and I stepped into the theatre, I noticed the bandaid on my hand was missing. I quickly checked my shirt and pants to make sure it wasn't sticking on them. The bandaid was MIA. "Oh well," I thought, "it's wet and rainy outside and it was a Dollar Tree bandaid. What did you expect?" The audition went okay; not perfect, but not horrible.

Afterward, I went across the street to grab some coffee for my bus ride home. As I ordered, the barista says to me, " have something in your hair." I reach up and sure enough, there was my Dollar Tree Disney Princesses bandaid, stuck in my hair.


I went through my entire audition with a hot pink Little Mermaid bandaid stuck in my hair. Classy. I can only hope that the women I was auditioning for thought it was a barrette!


PS: I'm in the process of writing a "Month In Review". Look for it soon!

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